
The change you desire begins with a decision

I went out for a run this morning.

Running isn't something I usually do. I used to do it a lot (more about that in just a minute). But it's not something I've done for quite some time.

But the freedom that comes when I get into it is just pure bliss.

Why am I telling you this?

Because when I run, the thoughts and ideas come pouring in. And my thoughts from this morning are not ones I can keep to myself.

Grab tea, and let me tell you a story about change, decisions, and my journey.

First, the thought I had this morning on repeat.

The change you desire begins with a decision. What decision will you make today?

And now, the story explains what I mean and brings it into perspective.

Shortly after my husband and I married, we moved to Phoenix, AZ.

This was long before I understood I was an empath, knew what essential oils were, and did what I do now.

In fact, I was quite the opposite of Magic with Katie, that writes about healthy living and daily practices that keep us feeling our best.

I thought I was healthy. And what I mean by healthy is I loved Diet Coke, not regular. Anything that said fat-free was my friend. And on the weekends, I enjoyed Bud Lights by the pool.

I rarely worked out or moved my body.

I worked a lot.

And my home was laden with chemicals and products.

Most of this was most likely the root cause of my PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).

Then one day, it changed because I made one simple decision. A decision that I would later realize is what led me down the path to this moment.

My friend "convinced" me to train for a 1/2 marathon with her.

At first, I said no way! I've never run in my entire life.

But she was pretty convincing, and eventually, I said yes. We were raising money for a good cause, the program had a professional coach included, and we could run at lunch.

At the time, I had no idea what I was getting into.

But I said yes anyway because even though I didn't "know" I was intuitive at the time, I was listening to my gut, leading me down the path that...

  • It brought me into a community for women that were all about health.

  • It trained me how to run the right way, and eventually found a lot of joy in running and moving my body.

  • Connected me with the team nutritionist that taught me how to eat well for my body.

  • The same team nutritionist that later introduced me to doTERRA.

  • That led me to do what I genuinely love doing, empowering women with their health.

  • And through this journey of health, my gifts of intuition opened up, and the Katie you know today has emerged.

This wasn't an overnight transformation.

It's been 14 years ago since I started this journey!

When I said YES to my friend and trained for a race, I had no idea where that would lead me.

If you had told me it would lead me to where I am right now, I would have laughed in your face and completely dismissed the idea.

Me? Leading a team of thousands in their wellness and teaching women how to live wild? Speaking on stages of over 10,000 and showing YOU how to make changes in your life?


Getting caught up in obsessing and focused on the desired outcome is easy. We consume ourselves thinking that we are supposed to know the final destination, and if we don't know it, we do nothing and stay stuck.

Spinning around in that hampster wheel of life.

Living in black and white.

But the truth is this. The change you desires is just one decision away. And that one decision is most likely something that is right in front of you. Something that might be a little bit scary. Something that you may be dismissed because it seems so tiny and so insignificant.

What if the change you desire begins with:

  • Saying yes to a new job opportunity.

  • Trying those essential oils that a friend has been sharing with you.

  • Going to a meet-up at your church.

  • Accepting an invitation to a workshop or class, even if it doesn't work quite right in your schedule.

  • Clicking yes to this invitation for a discovery call with me Going for a 30-minute walk instead of watching tv.

  • Reading that book, someone keeps recommending.

We all have something that we've been wanting to be doing. And most likely, this something will require us to get out of our comfort zone. Or maybe say no to something else.

But if it makes you curious, or a friend won't stop asking, you do it.

We're in a season of change. I can feel it in that "gut" of mine that never leads me astray.

This change will be different from what we have experienced before. It's asking us to take blind steps forward and have faith in belief in the direction we are going.

The steps we create today may not make sense for an entire year.

But guess what? That's ok. You have beautiful intuition guiding and leading you. So listen to it and allow the change to flow into your life in waves of beauty.

I'm here cheering you on, and my inbox is always open for you to reach out and find that next step together.

I said yes to my friend and training for a 1/2 marathon because we were doing it together. I didn't have to take the step on my own. I knew someone would be there by my side.

I'm here to be the friend beside you. Cheering you on, guiding you, and reassuring you it's all going to be worth it in the end.


PS: I want to be part of your journey with you. Send me a note below and I'll be in touch. We all need that team cheering us on. 

Share with me what's going on with you.

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