
Reflection, Stagnation and Creating your WILD

The other day, someone asked me what I meant when I talked about being in a “state of flow.” It got me thinking that a lot of you might want me to share more about this topic, too. It’s something I talk about often and I want you to understand what it means to have either stagnation or flow in our lives. It’s kind of a big deal if we want to live TRUE, WILD, and FREE lives.

I've been feeling and seeing a lot of stagnation, wallowing, and pausing to reflect lately. Go grab your tea and a journal because this blog is full of prompts that I really want you to think about.

What is Energy?
First, let's talk about energy. I know this is ground I cover often, but our energy is such an important foundational piece of our being that we need to understand it well. And if you’re landing here for the first time, I know you are ready to explore and find answers. 

Energy is part of all we do and experience. Our body is energy, our soul is energy, what we eat, drink and surround ourselves with is energy. 

Energy is also neutral. It's not bad and it's not good, but it does have characteristics that can make it either stagnant or expansive and flowing. 

When energy is stagnant, nothing in our life can flow. Energy can trap emotions in us and we usually feel grief, shame, doubt, self-pity, and judgment (of others and of ourselves) when our energy is stagnant. We physically probably don’t feel well and most likely we have some health concerns that are nagging at us or beginning to surface. If we have been in a lower vibration and stagnation for an extended period of time (or maybe it’s the only way we have known life) chances are there are more extreme health issues that we are dealing with. Stagnation in our bodies can happen for lots of reasons. Here are a few prime examples: 

  • We are eating foods that don't agree with us or that are over-processed
  • We aren’t moving our bodies enough
  • We’re holding onto emotions that we no longer need 

In this stagnant state of energy, we are simply “getting by” in life. We feel like we are merely surviving, but we don’t feel like we are THRIVING.

I absolutely love this chart! It’s the perfect visual guide to the frequencies of our emotions: 
When we're in a state of stagnation, nothing moves. I want you to think of a body of water. I'll use a pond because I'm a farm girl from Iowa and that's the image I'm getting in my head. 😉🌽

So we've got this pond and it's the middle of the summer and it's been HOT. The water doesn't move, there's slime and algae and a bunch of gunk up and down the sides. The pond just sits there, getting more and more disgusting without movement. Would you want to hop in that pond to cool off on a hot summer day? I’m guessing the answer is no. 

Now imagine what that kind of stagnation can do to your life and your body. You're just kind of sitting in it. Gross. Would you ever really want to do that? Okay, I think I made my point.

Now I want you to think about a cool, crisp and clear mountain stream flowing down the side of the Rockies. You can see to the bottom of the stream and all the rocks and pebbles beneath the water’s surface. 

That's what our lives are like if we can allow our energy to flow. When we have flow in our lives and in our bodies, we feel love and gratitude and bliss. When we are in a state of flow we can manifest, and our lives feel like they’re going in the right direction. We physically feel better. We are eating foods that nourish our bodies instead of deplete them. 

In this state of energetic flow, our bodies are resting and we can express our emotions in a healthy way. Chances are that we are in an elevated state of health in all we do. The underlying issues become more manageable (or disappear altogether!) when we choose to stay in this state of flow for an extended period of time.

You are no longer just surviving in a state of flow and higher vibrations. Now you are THRIVING. You begin to expand and create your dreams. You are manifesting money and abundance and that WILD is surfacing! Watch out World.

A Season of Reflection 
Our lives are cyclical. They flow in seasons and go round and round and round. We have seasons of expansion and seasons for rest. Seasons where we get tons of stuff  done and others where we need to reflect. 

In March of 2020, we were forced into a season of rest and reflection whether we thought we needed it or not. (I believe we needed it in so many ways, even if we don’t agree on why). This season of reflection has lasted a really long time - longer than a normal season of rest would last. It changed us and allowed us to reflect. But for many of us, it also triggered a season of stagnation that we may not know how to get out of. Some will even say our healthy season of rest has turned into laziness. Ouch.

You want that flow, right!? We all want to thrive, but you might still be feeling like that hamster who can’t get off her wheel. You are officially in ... the wallow.

The Wallow
Pausing to reflect isn’t always bad, but now we’ve been doing it for so long that we’re wallowing. I’m seeing a lot of stagnation right now because we're choosing to wallow. We're like lazy cows in that motionless pond on the farm. We're choosing to wallow because we're not taking action to move forward. When we don't take action, our doubts increase, our belief in ourselves decreases, and we do nothing. We sit there in our dirty pond and our shame grows bigger and bigger. 

Again, pausing to reflect isn’t wrong. You will hear me tell you a lot to pause, reflect and go inward. But when we are living a cyclical life, we are meant to do this only in the season of winter, and with each new moon (next one's coming up this week!). The difference between pausing to reflect during an appropriate cycle and full on wallowing is that we're still taking action during an inward reflective phase. That action may look a little bit different from an outward expression, but it’s still action that propels us forward. 

Examples of outward expression: 
Examples of inward expression: 
  • teaching an essential oil class
  • doing gentle yoga or an easier workout than usual
  • leading a retreat
  • writing in your journal
  • attending a meeting
  • seeing a healer to help you through a rough spot
  • making a career change 
  • taking care of your body with oils, supplements, and whole foods 

Do you see? You’re still doing something. You’re still taking actions, they might just be less intense. 

#1 New York Times best-selling author and "the world's leading high performance coach" Brendon Burchard said it best when he wrote: "Inactivity leads to doubt every single time." 

Where are you right now? 
The stagnation that we have when we wallow is completely different. When we wallow, we aren’t capable of cyclical living. We're just kinda there. So I want you to ask yourself, am I wallowing? Am I feeling like crap? Am I feeling shame because I'm wallowing in this pond of murky water … or am I just in a season of reflection?

Cosmically, we are not currently in a season of reflection and it’s time to get back to thriving in our lives. We were in an extended season of winter for a really long time, but we started emerging from that season in March. We’ve now moved into the beautiful summer solstice when our days are longer and we’re ready to switch back into ovulation energy. It’s time to run the marathon! It is time to get back into your business or make your career change or say or do something you’ve been holding off. Maybe you are feeling called to step up your game with your food or your movement. Whatever it is, IT IS TIME. It’s summer and time to dance and play and create.  

The time has come to get out of the wallow & allow your gifts 
to be ILLUMINATED so you can rise up to your WILD.

My invitation to you is to try these simple things: 

  1. Ask yourself where you are and allow yourself to become AWARE of where that is.  Awareness is the first BIG step toward change
  2. Think of 3 things you can do right now to get back into the flow
  3. Go for a walk 
  4. Drink more water
  5. Use essential oils
  6. Reach out to a friend

And If you are in that stagnant place of wallowing, I want you to reach out to me. I want you to tell me you’re there so that we can schedule a discovery call, get you on one of the group energy calls, or whatever it is that you might need to do right now. 

I'm here to help you get out of the wallowing pond and back into a beautiful mountain stream so that you can live wild and free. You weren't put on this earth this time, right now, to just sit in the still pond. You are meant to live your best life in all you do!

If you're already on my mailing list or if you're reading this on the blog, I trust that you're here to remember who you are. I want you to wake up and declare that you are a powerful goddess! Even on the days that you don't feel like that's where you’re at, I want you to do 1 thing to move my life forward. I want you to go for a walk, eat fresh food, take your supplements, put an essential oil on your body.

Say it with me: “I am here to be the light. I am here to be the change. I AM A POWERFUL GODDESS!” 

Light Beams, I love you. You are the warriors of the light. Do not forget that.


Share with me what's going on with you.

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