
[a series on detoxing] Part 3: Toxins In Our Homes

Do you plug things into your walls to make your house smell yummy? Do you love to burn candles? Do you know what’s in your favorite makeup, soap, or laundry detergent? 
⇨ All of these things can bring toxins into your home and life. 

Do you or a household member have respiratory issues, breathing issues, or unexplained medical issues? 
These can all be linked to toxins.

Is your cycle out of whack? Are your hormones screaming at you? Maybe you’re going into early menopause, or have a daughter who started menstruation early. 
Toxins are a HUGE contributor to women's health and hormones. 

More and more health concerns are being linked to the toxins that reside in our living spaces. The bottom line is: We have to get these toxins out of our lives. That’s why I want to help give your home a phenomenally detoxifying green makeover!

Today I'm going to continue this blog series on purging and reducing toxins in our life so we can live in the full expression of us.  

I love this video that doTERRA created to show us just how important it is to reduce our toxic load and begin creating home environments that support us.

Your home is your safe haven and your place of calm. 
Create spaces you love that nourish you instead of harm you.

Toxins are lingering and lurking everywhere around us. Some toxins are out of our control - environmental or otherwise - but we can certainly control a lot of things that we bring into our homes.

I want to teach you some simple and affordable green cleaning tips that you can start implementing in your home today. I bet you didn't know that swapping out some of the chemical-filled products you already use in your home for natural, toxin-free products can actually be a cheaper way to clean?! Your health (and your wallet!) will thank you. 

It's easy to doubt that toxins are in the things we've surrounded ourselves with for generations. Have you ever heard someone say, "Back in my day we used this and that all the time, and I'm fine!"? 

But I want you to ask yourself, "What toxins was my grandmother exposed to when she carried my mother? What toxins was my mother exposed to when she carried me? What toxins was I exposed to when I had my own children?" As we go down the chain of generations, the toxins in everyday products only increase. Toxins are disrupting our foundational DNA and it's really, really simple to swap them out. 

5 Simple Swaps in Your Home

  • Replace your dryer sheets with wool dryer balls and add 3 drops of Lavender to them.
  • Swap your toilet bowel cleaner out and use vinegar, baking soda, and tea tree oil
  • Replace all multipurpose cleaners with OnGuard Cleaner Concentrate
  • Instead of candles and scent warmers, diffuse essential oils.  The combos are endless.
  • Make an easy carpet cleaner with baking soda and oils!

For more recipes and ideas on how to create swaps in your life, make sure to grab this fun Green Cleaning Guide.

When you begin to gently detox out your environment, your body will thank you, your children will thank you, and your health will thank you. Maybe you don't notice it today, but continued exposure to toxins is going to have a big, negative impact on your life.

How does this tie into your expansion and living wild and whole in your body you ask?

My mission in this World is to show you and all of our sisters how to live wild and free in our bodies. To help you remember who you are and why you are here so you can anchor into your purpose too.

Transformation happens in all areas of life and the toxins that we put on, in, and around our body are going to be a huge piece of your transformation. Anything that disrupts our cells dancing in their full expression will get in the way of how we live in our bodies.

In addition to meditating, praying, taking ritual baths, or whatever we do to raise our vibrations emotionally and spiritually, we must also nourish our physical selves. It's a whole way of being and that's the transformational lifestyle I promote for you to be well and create in your own body.

Cheers to creating the life we love and anchoring it into our life by creating a home that is toxin-free.

Leave a comment or reach out to connect more and create your whole home apothecary with essential oils and love.  Don't forget to download the green cleaning guide for more ideas and resources.


Anchor your home in wellness by reducing toxins with this green cleaning guide!

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Comments (1)



Jan 18, 2022 02:35 PM CDT

Cant wait to try!!!

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