
Who Am I?

A few weeks ago, I was out for a walk (like always 😁) and the ideas and inspiration that came flowing through me were all about this blog. 

The messages were ideas of content and topics that I need to share with you, and that YOU need to hear from me. 

On this day, I found myself asking, “Who am I?” 

This message came through so clearly that I knew I needed to dig a little deeper into what makes me Katie so that you can learn more about me. 

If you are going to trust me with your health and your energy, and create BIG with me, you need to know who you are working with. 

As humans, we naturally work with the people we know, love and trust. So I started to think ... If you are stumbling across this blog and we have never met, how are we going to work with each other? 

But when I sat down to actually write this darn blog about myself, my mind went blank. 

The words just would not come out. Am I supposed to tell you my whole life story? A blog is not an autobiography!  

The question of who am I is a giant one and it can be a bit intimidating. 

I’m going to take a stab at it for you and share a few pieces of me so that we can get to know each other better. I have a feeling that if you are reading this, these words will speak to you and be just the motivation you need to join my community. Here we go!

A little backstory … 

Call me Katie. 

My given name is Katherin Jean Petersen. Glasgow came much later when I married my sweetie, Jeff. 🤍

I was born on 11/7/77. If you are into numerology, you already know this is pretty darn magical in and of itself!  

I grew up in the cornfields of Iowa 🌽 in a small rural community, the kind where everyone had your back. Everyone knew everyone, and they all shared every birth, death, wedding and special occasion together. 

It was a community full of LOVE.  

But news travels fast in a small town - good or bad. It was a community full of telephone line gossip and everyone knew everybody else’s business. 

Although it had its wonderful aspects, all that gossip and idle chit chat also meant that the neighbors knew what you were doing before you even did. 

And I never quite felt like I fully fit in.  

I was always a little different, a little “out there.” It wasn’t until much later that I realized I AM AN EMPATH, and I’m not actually meant to fit in in the traditional sense.  

🠊 What’s an EMPATH, you ask? Great question! Read all about embracing your intuition and sensitivity in my Empath Guide (Click here)🠈      
After high school, I did all the things I thought I was supposed to do: 

College  … check

Corporate career … check 

Marriage … check

First child … check ✅

I kept on climbing that corporate ladder of success while being a full time mom and wife.

Even though I thought it was the path I was supposed to be on, and my life was good, it didn’t feel quite right. 

I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something was missing and I was exhausted.

The thing is, I didn’t realize at the time that there could be more to my life. It had been so deeply ingrained in me that this was what I was supposed to be doing that I. Just. Kept. Going. 

I was in a constant state of exhaustion. I was that mom dropping her kids off first at daycare, and the last one picking up.

A beautiful new way of life …  

Then a few things happened that - looking back - were the beginning elements to a beautiful new way of life for Katie, the life that would open the doors for me to find my true mission in this world: 

  • My husband was transferred so a move from Arizona to California was in the works. This was common with his company at the time and we knew it would eventually come.
  • I was working in real estate and the market was crashing in 2010. Layoffs were a daily occurrence in the industry, which made leaving that job all that much easier.
  • I had found a community in Arizona that I loved.  I found a running group that introduced me to both a healthier way of life and to a lady named Melissa - who would later tell me about essential oils.

All of those elements that lead me to this new way of life had one underlying thing in common … community

Everything happens for a reason … 

I’ve always trusted the philosophy that everything happens for a reason and that we have the ability to figure out anything in any situation. 

When Jeff came home to tell me we were moving to California and I would have to quit my job, it really didn’t devastate me or phase me. I just paused for a beat and said, “Well, OK. How are we going to do this?”

Big life changes opened the doorway for my next adventure and brought me a few steps closer to figuring out what I was truly here to do.

We moved to California, we bought a house, and we found out we were going to have another baby.

Then doTERRA found me …  

Yes, I truly believe that doTERRA fully found me. It landed right on my lap when I needed it the most in a way that can only be described as divinely orchestrated and perfect. 

Remember Melissa from my running community in Arizona? She started posting about essential oils right when I was seeking some more natural solutions for myself and my family. 

Right after moving to California, we got pregnant for the second time. But this pregnancy wasn’t meant to be and I experienced a miscarriage. So when I found out I was pregnant again shortly after, I was hesitant to use anything on or in my body that I thought could harm the baby. 

My spidey senses and God were at work again and showed me a different way of life full of essential oils and natural wellness. So I began using these little bottles of magic to take care of my physical body and the kiddos’. 

I began to learn about how our body systems really work and how so many of the products and items we had in our home were harming our health.  

I learned quickly that you can only use oils so long for physical healing before they begin to tap into your emotions and energy, too. 

As a mom, that was so empowering. Oils gave me a different kind of freedom. 

I loved this freedom so much, I wanted to shout it from the rooftops and show other mamas how awesome it was! 

Plus, my business brain was lit up with the possibilities.

I still remember with clarity the day I attended my very first doTERRA event and realized I had truly found home. I had found my tribe and my community. The one I didn’t even know that I had been seeking.  (spoiler alert: We ALL seek community … ) 

The room was full of women. 

Women who were talking about the people’s lives they were changing. 
Women sharing their stories from a small stage in the middle of the room with tears in their eyes. 
Women who were not afraid to talk about their faith. 
Women with babies on their hip or breastfeeding unapologetically in the audience. 

The experience was so different from that world I was coming from where success looked like suits, heels, and NO babies, silently pumping in a random room whenever you could find a free moment. A world that had you working 50 hours a week to scratch your way to the top while your babies were at daycare.  

Was this real? What had I just stumbled upon?  

And it was in that small conference room by LAX where I finally felt at home and I knew I was supposed to be doing this, too! I saw a part of myself in the woman on that stage who was empowering other women to be Dr. Mom just like her. (I’m pretty sure I still have that Dr. Mom handout stashed away in my treasures).

It’s the core of our being to be part of something bigger and commune with other like-minded people. That tight-knit town I grew up in taught me early on what it could feel like to be part of a community that had your back. 

Intuition is my superpower …

My intuition, which I like to call my superpower, has been guiding me all of my life. 

The difference in my life now is that I understand what my superpower is and how to harness it. I know now how to harness all of the beauty that it holds and use it as the beautiful gift that it is. 

▹I am Katie
▹I am a powerful creator
▹I am a child of God
▹I am a wife
▹I am a mother
▹I am a daughter
▹I am a sister
▹I am a friend
▹I am a warrior
▹I am a spiritual leader
▹I am an empath
▹I am a healer
▹I am a leader in the wellness industry
▹I am wild and free and full of life

Intuition is my superpower. 💪

→ I am here to give permission to women to create their dreams on their own terms.
→ I am here to show you how to be a magnet for money and own your worth.
→ I am here to modernize the ancient ways that can set us free.
→ I am the light in the darkness that will guide you home, even when you don’t know you are lost.

I promise you that this relationship is going to be built on trust. 

It's time to find your beat!
Grab this guide with my five favorite ways to begin your day in peace and not in chaos.

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