The Lucia Light No.3 Experience

Come experience the Lucia Light No.3 

The Lucia N°03 was invented in Austria by neurologist Dr. Dirk Proeckl and
psychiatrist Dr. Englebert Winkler. There are fewer than 60 of these lights
in the United States.

The Lucia N°03 is a kinetic photo-stimulator that provides deep nervous
system relaxation while simultaneously encouraging a unique
transcendental journeying experience. Even novice meditators can
experience a state of deep relaxation and focus, enhanced intuition, and a
sense of wholeness from Lucia Light sessions.

The light experience involves a combination of solid and flickering white
light which passes through the recipient’s closed eyelids, past the retina to
the pineal gland, which gently entrains the brain waves into the theta state.
It also creates a visual experience which is unique for each individual. The
inner consciousness of the traveler produces colors and scenes of
indescribable beauty. When faced with the artistry of one’s own inner
consciousness, light travelers often begin to perceive life differently. Each
experience is as unique as the person in the light.

While Dr. Winkler and Dr. Proeckl recommend 5-6 60 minute sessions to
start initiating more permanent changes in the way the nervous system
responds to stress, even 1 session provides a moving and unforgettable

Reported benefits include:
Reduced anxiety and stress

Reduced fear and depression

A sense of wholeness/oneness

Increased sense of inner peace and emotional stability
Increased creativity
Increased intuition

Improved physical healing

More restful sleep

Improved memory of dreams
The release of beneficial hormones related to health and longevity
Access to Astral travels and inner journeying

The Quantum Miracle system opens up a new dimension of personal
expansion and transformation using Voice Assessment Feedback,
Scalarwave Entrainment, Inert Noble Gases and targeted Golden Six Wave
Form Soundtracks.

With the Quantum Miracle iQube brain training system, every cell in your body
will be imprinted at a deeper level with higher frequencies. You will train out
the stress patterns which creates new space for deep relaxation, creativity,
and inner peace.

Decalcification of the pineal gland (opening your third eye) accelerates with
the Quantum Miracle iQube due to the enhanced imprinting capabilities of the
triple-nested scalar vortex. You will begin to see, think, and create more
clearly while raising your frequency to a new octave.

Reported benefits of Quantum iQube:

 Remove deep fears.
 Awakens the spiritual glands that have been dormant for thousands of years.
 Accelerates your Intuition, Awakening & Transformation
 Clears environment of discordant energy and EMFs.
 Creates a dynamic quantum-scalar energy field that raises your vibration 24×7.
 Entrains you effortlessly with deep delta, theta, gamma alpha brainwave states.
 Improves happiness, mood, relationships and quality of life. The Miracle: Simple to use.
 Deepens your meditation, sleep, and your learning and concentration power.
 Automatically balances and clears your chakras.