
The Key the Unlocks You

My message, mission, and purpose in this life are constantly evolving. And the more I access my own body wisdom, the more I see what God has put me on this planet to do.

I believe that we are all here for a reason and I believe that we are all connected. Each one of us is given a unique set of gifts, talents, and truth that we are here to live. But because life is messy and we are all born into different circumstances with different experiences, knowing our purpose can be easier said than done.

Over the last two years, I have put a lot of intention, prayer, and thought into why I am here, who exactly I am here to serve, and how I am meant to serve. It hasn’t been an easy process and just when I think I have it figured out, I get more insight or something changes. What keeps me going is the knowledge that I am here for something more plus the desire to help my fellow sisters live TRUE.

I know I was given gifts that are unique to me and that my light is here to shine.

I know that doTERRA found me so that I could find myself. It has given me a set of tools for myself and for those I’m here to help. doTERRA has also connected me to so many other beautiful souls that have led me to be at HOME in my body and life.

I know that you are reading this for a reason. There are no accidents and I have been praying for you and asking for you to be sent my way so that we may explore together all that life has to offer. 

For some, my light may shine too bright and I may turn them away. But for others, I know my light is what they need to find their way out of their own darkness. Over the last couple of months, the clarity in my purpose has been magnified and I want to share a bit more of it with you! 

❓ Do you ever feel as if you are missing out on something in life but you aren’t quite sure what it is?

❓ Do you feel like you are living the definition of success as determined by the outside world, but something is still off? You are in a career or job that is supposed to be satisfying and pays well. You’ve got the partner, the kids, and the life that others see as “perfect” or “ideal.” But in your pursuit to get there you lost your joy, you became disconnected, and you just feel like there is something missing? It’s not that life is bad. It’s actually pretty darn good. But … You still feel like there is more.

I get it. I see you and I feel you. 

Last week I was having coffee with a bestie in Salt Lake. When we get together we don’t talk about the day-to-day, we dive deep into what it is we are here to do in this life. We have conversations on how we can change more lives and live in our full expression. We’re always trying to create more and do more to serve our fellow sisters in this life. 

And the conversations get really juicy. 

She asked me something that’s had me thinking ever since and I want to share my answer with you. Why? Because maybe this describes you, too, and maybe this is your next step to finding the wisdom that sets you free.

She asked me to describe the exact type of woman I am here to guide and work with.  

And this is how I replied:

The woman I am here to serve is the woman who desires more. The woman who wants to live in her full expression. The woman who has lived by the outside definition of success and maybe has the kids, the partner, the great job, and the shiny car … but in the process of living this way she has become disconnected from the true medicine of her own body.

She is doing everything society tells her to do to have happiness and peace, but she’s not feeling happy or peaceful. 

She may be overwhelmed, constantly in a cycle of comparison to others. She probably doesn’t feel like she is enough, maybe she isn’t happy with her body image. She just feels a little off.

She may not even realize she is lost. And how do you find someone who doesn’t know they are lost? 

⇑ ⇑ ⇑
Does any of this describe you or a woman you know? Can you relate to this woman? 

If this has gone on for too long, the body may already be screaming out in the form of more physical health concerns like hormone imbalance, fatigue, low sex drive, anxiety, or depression.

I know my purpose here in this world is to free the women who are bound by the way society tells us to live and to show them that there is a different way.

Our bodies hold beautiful medicine inside of them. It’s a medicine that only we can access and it holds all of the wisdom we need to live free in our lives. We might seek this wisdom from self-help books, Instagram, or the latest fad we see in the news. But what if I told you that the wisdom you truly need is already inside of you? You just need to find the key that unlocks your access to it.

I see you.
I see your full expression.
I see the dreams you are afraid to dream.
I see the fire inside of you that is smoldering and ready to burn.
I see you hiding - in a season of life or perhaps in the patterns of your past - like a caterpillar wrapped tight in a cocoon, afraid her wings won’t expand.

🔑 What if I told you I have a key for you 🔑  
A beautiful shiny, gold, and magnificent key that has the potential to unlock YOU. To connect you back to your light. To unlock your full expression.  

So that you may live ROOTED, WILD & FREE.

Connecting to your body and inner medicine is the first step in living wild. We cannot live disconnected and expect to also be rooted in what we do. 

Here are my TOP 5 practices to connect into yourself. Pick one or all of them and begin practicing them daily:  

  1. Honor and protect your energy
  2. Love your spaces and keep them peaceful
  3. Just Breathe (with an oil or 2 or 10)
  4. Dance like no one is watching
  5. Say I LOVE YOU
Full details on how to get all the goodness from these practices can be found in my FIVE SACRED RITUALS Guide. Grab it from the quick form below! ⬇️

Are you ready for more? Are you feeling a little nudge to answer this call? If this speaks to you in any way, please reach out for a chat or a conversation. I’m here to serve you and there are so many ways for us to create and grow together.

It's time to find your beat!
Grab this guide with my five favorite ways to begin your day in peace and not in chaos.

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